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M-customs is MGI's ICS (Import Control Systems) compliance solution. It allows the generation of ENS (Entry Summary Declaration) for all types of means of transport, goods and operators, either by EDI or direct input.



Discover M-customs

M-customs, for your ICS (Import Control System) declarations. For all operators: shipowners, airlines, NVOCC, shipping agents, air agents, consignees, freight forwarders, freight brokers and importers. M-customs manages all types of goods and all means of transport. The platform communicates with the customs systems of the 28 member states of the European Union.

  • SAFE standards
  • Secure
  • Trace
  • Declare
  • Early DSDT function
  • EDI / Direct input
  • Advice

    Do you want to know more about
    M-customs ?


    M-customs features


    With M-customs, supply chain operators have the possibility to declare goods coming from a country (outside the EU) via an Entry Summary Declaration (ENS). You can consult and manage your declarations via this function.

    Notification of arrival of the conveyance to customs allows for the receipt of a notice of arrival of the vessel. When the goods are physically present at the port, the user receives the control list issued by the customs. You are immediately notified of any customs controls.

    The processing of transport detour allows M-customs users to track goods to an "intermediate" parking point in case of exceptional events. This service provides M-Customs users with better contingency management.

    M-customs users have the possibility to declare all the goods present on the means of transport and to specify the goods that will be unloaded at the arrival point (at the quay).

    When creating your Entry Summary Statements (ENS), you can check the status of your message (Sent, Draft, Subject to control, Released). This function allows you to be more reactive and to see in real time the processing of your request with the customs.

    Customised solutions

    M-customs, at the heart of
    import control system

    You are a player in international transport and need to complete your ICS formalities? Find out how MGI can help you with its M-Customs solution to complete your formalities with the port authorities.


    Do you know the other
    services offered by MGI?

    Thanks to the team of functional and technical experts, MGI has developed a wide range of offers in the fields of Port Community Systems, customs and authorities, data intelligence and process automation. More details below.



    Intelligent management of goods flows.



    Adopt an information channel and decision support system for cargo management.

    Port dues

    Port dues

    Allows you to calculate the amounts due for the entry/exit of vessels.


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    The Import Control System, more commonly known as ICS, is the electronic system for managing security declarations for the import of goods into European territories, which has been mandatory since January 1st 2011. All operators (importers of goods, freight forwarders) have to transmit by computerised message (EDI) the entry summary declaration (ENS) of the cargo on the vessel. This rule applies to all foreign (NON-EU) goods entering the EU.

    The ICS regulations are a mechanism to protect imports and exports by subjecting them to strict safety and security rules. Their measures aim to secure the trading of goods between countries in the European zone and countries outside the EU zone and keep it running smoothly. For more information go to https://www.douane.gouv.fr/.

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