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Port manager

Ensure that your local authority’s port or ports are operating in accordance with national, operational and safety regulations.


Optimise operational

The future of freight transport lies in door-to-door traceability in order to know all the stages of transit to better pilot, plan and manage the global logistics chain.

Greater productivity

This solution allows you to optimise tracking and to recover information automatically in your TMS.

Traffic analysis and statistics

You will be able to consult and track traffic in order to analyse trends and assess how smoothly the port is running, with the end goal of continuous improvement to attract more traffic.

Receipt of notifications via Ci5

Optimise operator work time by identifying events that can affect the smooth running of the port and by proposing a way to resolve or bypass them.

Customised solutions

Discover solutions
tailored to your needs

MGI's solutions are designed for businesses. They allow port managers to improve traceability and control of their goods.



Intelligent management of goods flows.



Combines, links and analyzes data at any stage of the port supply chain.

MGI Learning

MGI Learning

Standardised and customised training for all logistics operators using our solutions and services.

MGI Consultancy

MGI Consultancy

Auditing and consulting service for ports, airports and inland transport communities.

Port dues

Port dues

Allows you to calculate the amounts due for the entry/exit of vessels.

Do you need help?

A team of experts at your service

We are here for you.

Sector focus

Tips and use cases for
Port manager


27/04/2023 - MGI Talent

There’s never a dull moment at MGI and that suits him to a tee!

MGI Talent – Elhadji Kabirou Elhadji Kabirou discusses his twelve years with the company and some of the major milestones in his career and the life of MGI. After earning…

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27/04/2023 - News

 “Ci5 is appreciated for its user-friendliness and versatility”

2 years after Ci5 was launched in Fort de France, Ms Nicole Sully, Managing Director of Port+, answers our questions and shares her experience of over 16 years of collaboration…

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16/01/2023 - MGI Talent

Charlotte ROSA – The talent MGI (january)

From Paris to Sydney via Marseille and now the Basque coast, it is curiosity and the desire to create, transform and discover new things that finally led this great explorer…

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