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27/04/2023 - News

 “Ci5 is appreciated for its user-friendliness and versatility”

2 years after Ci5 was launched in Fort de France, Ms Nicole Sully, Managing Director of Port+, answers our questions and shares her experience of over 16 years of collaboration…

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14/12/2022 - News

What is the NIS 2 Directive ?

On 10 November 2022, the European Parliament adopted the Network Information Security (NIS2) Directive which replaces the NIS Directive adopted on 6 July 2016, defining European-wide legislation on cybersecurity common…

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31/08/2022 - News

Spoofing: a new cocktail recipe for the summer of 2022? NOT AT ALL!

Spoofing refers to impersonation. It usually involves impersonating a trusted person online to spread computer viruses or spam. There are different types of spoofing, but SPOOFING by e-mail and telephone…

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