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MGI Learning

MGI is a leader in the design and implementation of digital solutions in the field of logistics with its PCS Ci5 which connects all involved in order to optimise and improve flow of goods through the port.



Discover MGI Learning

From Ci5 to M-Customs, our Qualiopi certified MGI training team offers you customised training in all our solutions.

  • On-site
  • Remote
  • Intra/inter
  • Customised
  • In small groups
  • Adapted to your needs
  • Advice

    Do you want to know more about
    MGI Learning ?


    Formations all trades


    Import / export


    Veterinary and phytosanitary services, The gendarmerie ,The Ministry of Defence, The port authorities, Custom authorities, Transport schools.

    Import / Export

    Import / Export, Dangerous goods management

    Customs administration


    Customised solutions

    Training designed for
    all trades

    Our Qualiopi-certified training team here at MGI will help you to get to grips with our solutions, thanks to a range of training courses tailored to your business.


    Do you know the other
    services offered by MGI?

    Thanks to the team of functional and technical experts, MGI has developed a wide range of offers in the fields of Port Community Systems, customs and authorities, data intelligence and process automation. More details below.



    Intelligent management of goods flows.



    Enables you to comply with the Import Control System (ICS) regulation.



    Dematerialises the management and tracking of door-to-door flows.


    Discover our
    latest news


    27/04/2023 - MGI Talent

    There’s never a dull moment at MGI and that suits him to a tee!

    MGI Talent – Elhadji Kabirou Elhadji Kabirou discusses his twelve years with the company and some of the major milestones in his career and the life of MGI. After earning…

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    27/04/2023 - News

     “Ci5 is appreciated for its user-friendliness and versatility”

    2 years after Ci5 was launched in Fort de France, Ms Nicole Sully, Managing Director of Port+, answers our questions and shares her experience of over 16 years of collaboration…

    Read more flèche lire la suite

    16/01/2023 - MGI Talent

    Charlotte ROSA – The talent MGI (january)

    From Paris to Sydney via Marseille and now the Basque coast, it is curiosity and the desire to create, transform and discover new things that finally led this great explorer…

    Read more flèche lire la suite

    MGI offers training courses adapted to your profession (agents, freight forwarders, handlers, loaders, hauliers and administration). For more information, please contact the training department: formation@gyptis.fr

    To obtain a quotation adapted to your needs, please contact the training department: formation@gyptis.fr

    MGI training courses take place over one day or half a day depending on the course.

    The training courses can take place in person at MGI’s offices, via the Microsoft Teams application or on site.

    Yes, the training service is Qualiopi certified and costs can therefore be covered.

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